Free Online Word Counter Tool

Characters: 0
Words: 0
Sentences: 0
Paragraphs: 0
Reading Time: 0
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How to use this Word Counter Tool?

How to use Yttags's Free Online Word Counter Tool?

  • Step 1: Select the Tool
Free Online Word Counter Tool Step 1
  • Step 2: Enter The Text
Free Online Word Counter Tool Step 2
  • Step 3: Check Your Free Online Word Counter Tool Result
Free Online Word Counter Tool Step 3

Online Word Counter Example

Below is an example of the original Word Counter and the result.

Original Word Counter Example
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And an example of how the online Word Counter works.

Word Counter Result
  • Characters: 186
  • Words: 25
  • Sentences: 3
  • Paragraphs: 1
  • Reading Time: 5s

About Free Word and Character Counter Tool Online

A free, simple-to-use tool for keeping track of word and character counts in your writing is Yttag Word Counter.

Additionally, it demonstrates the restrictions for social media sites with character limits.

What do character counters and word counters do?

Our robust platform immediately handles the tedious counting jobs for you when you enter your text to Yttag Word Counter, allowing you to know exactly where your project's word and character restrictions stand.

Therefore, save yourself the time and effort by using Yttag as the word and character calculator if you are unsure of the rules governing what constitutes a character. You can rely on Yttag knowledge to understand that accented letters don't count as two characters, hyphenated words only count as one, and that spaces typically do count as characters.

You don't need to count words or characters by hand to make sure you're meeting your writing goals or sticking inside strict character limitations.

Who needs to count words?

With a few exceptions, the goal when counting words is typically to reach a minimum or rough estimate.


In order to demonstrate their knowledge, instructors frequently ask students to produce 2,000-word essays or 250-word short answers to questions.

In addition to assignments, students who are applying for admission to graduate or undergraduate programmes typically have a target word count for their application essays. Maximum word limits are typically also set due to the enormous number of applications each institution receives.


Even at the hobby level, setting daily writing goals is crucial for the serious writer. People who want to develop their writing skills or establish a habit frequently decide to set a daily word goal, much like Neil Gaiman, whose 50 words per day habit helped him slowly but surely finish Coraline.

Job seekers:

It's occasionally necessary to stick to a word limit while writing cover letters or case studies for job applications. To demonstrate their market understanding, a candidate would be required to produce a 1,500-word report on a case study.

Educators, researchers, and students:

Since research summaries frequently need to condense years of research into less than 300 words, they are one exception where the word count has a hard maximum that is typically challenging to meet.

Writing for grants and scholarships is another situation where word counts are often exempt from application. When they have to adhere to such limited word counts, students, educators, and researchers may find it challenging to lay out a proposed study or to convey their experiences and objectives.

In order to avoid trying to cut an essay in half or add another 1,000 words when revising, using a word counter tool while you are writing can help you stay on task.

A character counter is unnecessary.

If you need to verify your character count online, it's likely that your main concern is not exceeding a set character count but rather maintaining a strict character count limit.

Online company owners:

Those conducting business online, whether through their own website or a third-party platform, frequently have a goal word count for product descriptions for uniformity. Some online retail platforms mandate this, usually with a minimum.

In order for their products to be found correctly, platform sellers must still understand and optimise for keywords and metadata, and these constraints are nearly often specified in characters rather than words.

What is the word counter's usage?

Simply type or paste your text into the Yttag free online word and character count tool, and Yttag Word Counter will instantly calculate the number of words and characters. Even how your character counts compare to those set by well-known social networking platforms will be displayed.

Use the trash can icon in the upper right corner to clear the window after finishing editing a chunk of text to start over.

Using the icons in the bottom right corner, you may quickly download or copy the new text to your clipboard if you've modified the input text to achieve a target word count or stay inside a stringent character limit.

Typical word counts for various documents:
  • 0 to 500 words: essays, Ad copy, product descriptions
  • 500 to 1,000 words: news articles, Blog articles, essays
  • 1,000 to 2,000 words: medium-length blog posts, Short-form news articles, and short pieces of journalism
  • 2,000 to 3,000 words: operating manuals, College essays, and longer-form blog posts
  • 3,500 to 15,000 words: theses, College dissertations, and in-depth blog posts and journal articles
  • 15,000 to 50,000 words: Novels, novellas, and other published books.
  • 50,000 to 100,000 words: Novels

How long should my text be?

Typical word counts for:

Social networks Characters
Twitter post 71-100
Facebook post 80
Instagram caption 100
YouTube description 138-150

Blogs, work and literature Words
LinkedIn article 1,900-2,000
Blog posts 500-800
Cover letters 200-400
Resumes 200-400
Short stories ~7,500
Novellas ~17,500-40,000
Novels ~70,000-120,000

Essays Words
High school 300-1,000
College admission 200-650
Undergraduate college 1,500-5,000
Graduate school admission 500-1,000

Popular works Words
A Game of Thrones 298,000
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone 76,944
Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring 187,790
Animal Farm 29,966
Infinite Jest 483,994
Ulysses 265,222
Of Mice and Men 29,160
Pride and Prejudice 122,685
Atlas Shrugged 561,996
The Great Gatsby 47,094
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe 38,421
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 30,644

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