Profit Margin Calculator

Calculate gross profit margin, nominal profit, stock trading margin, cost ratio and profit ratio with our easy to use profit margin calculator.

Item Raw Cost Price
Price you are selling item for

Gross Profit Margin
Nominal profit margin:
Profit margin percent:
Cost Ratio:
Profit Ratio:
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How to use this Profit Margin Calculator Tool?

How to use Yttags's Profit Margin Calculator?

  • Step 1: Select the Tool
Profit Margin Calculator Step 1
  • Step 2: Enter Item Raw Cost Price & Price you are selling item for And Click On Calculate Button.
Profit Margin Calculator Step 2
  • Step 3: Check Your Profit Margin Calculator Result
Profit Margin Calculator Step 3

Three free calculators for profit margin, stock trading margin, or currency exchange margin calculations. Learn the different definitions of margin in finance.

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FAQs for Profit Margin Calculator

What is a Profit Margin Calculator?
A Profit Margin Calculator is a tool used to determine the percentage of profit a business earns from its revenue by subtracting the costs from the revenue and expressing the result as a percentage of the revenue.
How do I calculate profit margin?
To calculate profit margin, subtract the total costs from total revenue and then divide the result by total revenue, expressing it as a percentage. The formula is: Profit Margin = (Net Profit / Total Revenue) x 100.
What is a 30% margin of 100?
A 30% margin of 100 is 30, as it represents 30% of the initial amount.
What is a 75% profit margin?
A 75% profit margin means that a business is making a profit equal to 75% of its total revenue, so for every $100 in revenue, it generates a $75 profit.
Is 18% profit margin good?
An 18% profit margin can be considered good or acceptable, but its perceived quality depends on the industry and business norms. Some industries have higher average profit margins, while others may consider 18% quite favorable.