INI to YAML Converter

Transform your INI file contents to its equal YAML format.


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How to use this INI to YAML Converter Tool?

Online INI to YAML Example

Below is an example of the original INI to YAML and the result.

Original INI to YAML Example
; comments

; comments
name= yttags
server.port.listen = true

And an example of how the online INI to YAML works.

INI to YAML Result
  name: "yttags"
  organization: ""
  name: "yttags"
    host: "localhost"
      listen: "true"
      0: "143"
    0: ""
  file: "yttags.dat"

How to use Yttags's INI to YAML Converter?

  • Step 1: Select the Tool
INI to YAML Converter Step 1
  • Step 2: paste your INI text into the textbox And Press The Convert Button And Check Your INI to YAML Converter Result
INI to YAML Converter Step 2

If you want to link to Ini To Yaml Converter page, please use the codes provided below!

Ini To Yaml Converter

FAQs for INI to YAML Converter

How to convert property file to YAML file?
To convert a property file to a YAML file, parse the properties and write them to a YAML format using libraries like `pyyaml` in Python.
How to convert txt file to YAML?
Convert a txt file to YAML by parsing its content and structuring it into YAML format using programming languages like Python with the `pyyaml` library.
What is the difference between YAML and ini?
YAML supports more complex hierarchical structures and data types, while INI files are simpler with basic key-value pairs for configuration.
Is YAML a JSON format?
YAML is not a JSON format, but it is a data serialization language similar to JSON with more human-readable syntax and support for complex data structures.
How do I create a .YML file?
Create a .yml file using a text editor or code editor, and save it with the ".yml" extension, adhering to YAML syntax rules.