HEX to ASCII converter

This online hex to ASCII converter will help you convert your hexadecimal string to ASCII, and vice versa.
Just enter your Hex numbers and let the tool convert them into ASCII or Unicode format.

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How to use this HEX to ASCII converter Tool?

How to use Yttags's HEX to ASCII converter?

  • Step 1: Select the Tool
HEX to ASCII converter Step 1
  • Step 2: Enter Hex Text And Click On Convert Button
HEX to ASCII converter Step 2
  • Step 3: Check Your HEX to ASCII converter Result
HEX to ASCII converter Step 3

Hexadecimal to Ascii text converter helps you to encode hex to ascii text string, handy tool to translate hexadecimal numbers to text.

Hex to ASCII text conversion table

Hexadecimal Binary ASCII Character
00 00000000 NUL
01 00000001 SOH
02 00000010 STX
03 00000011 ETX
04 00000100 EOT
05 00000101 ENQ
06 00000110 ACK
07 00000111 BEL
08 00001000 BS
09 00001001 HT
0A 00001010 LF
0B 00001011 VT
0C 00001100 FF
0D 00001101 CR
0E 00001110 SO
0F 00001111 SI
10 00010000 DLE
11 00010001 DC1
12 00010010 DC2
13 00010011 DC3
14 00010100 DC4
15 00010101 NAK
16 00010110 SYN
17 00010111 ETB
18 00011000 CAN
19 00011001 EM
1A 00011010 SUB
1B 00011011 ESC
1C 00011100 FS
1D 00011101 GS
1E 00011110 RS
1F 00011111 US
20 00100000 Space
21 00100001 !
22 00100010 "
23 00100011 #
24 00100100 $
25 00100101 %
26 00100110 &
27 00100111 '
28 00101000 (
29 00101001 )
2A 00101010 *
2B 00101011 +
2C 00101100 ,
2D 00101101 -
2E 00101110 .
2F 00101111 /
30 00110000 0
31 00110001 1
32 00110010 2
33 00110011 3
34 00110100 4
35 00110101 5
36 00110110 6
37 00110111 7
38 00111000 8
39 00111001 9
3A 00111010 :
3B 00111011 ;
3C 00111100 <
3D 00111101 =
3E 00111110 >
3F 00111111 ?
40 01000000 @
41 01000001 A
42 01000010 B
43 01000011 C
44 01000100 D
45 01000101 E
46 01000110 F
47 01000111 G
48 01001000 H
49 01001001 I
4A 01001010 J
4B 01001011 K
4C 01001100 L
4D 01001101 M
4E 01001110 N
4F 01001111 O
50 01010000 P
51 01010001 Q
52 01010010 R
53 01010011 S
54 01010100 T
55 01010101 U
56 01010110 V
57 01010111 W
58 01011000 X
59 01011001 Y
5A 01011010 Z
5B 01011011 [
5C 01011100 \
5D 01011101 ]
5E 01011110 ^
5F 01011111 _
60 01100000 `
61 01100001 a
62 01100010 b
63 01100011 c
64 01100100 d
65 01100101 e
66 01100110 f
67 01100111 g
68 01101000 h
69 01101001 i
6A 01101010 j
6B 01101011 k
6C 01101100 l
6D 01101101 m
6E 01101110 n
6F 01101111 o
70 01110000 p
71 01110001 q
72 01110010 r
73 01110011 s
74 01110100 t
75 01110101 u
76 01110110 v
77 01110111 w
78 01111000 x
79 01111001 y
7A 01111010 z
7B 01111011 {
7C 01111100 |
7D 01111101 }
7E 01111110 ~
7F 01111111 DEL

If you want to link to Hex To Ascii page, please use the codes provided below!

Hex To Ascii

FAQs for HEX to ASCII converter

What is a HEX to ASCII converter?
A HEX to ASCII converter is a tool that translates hexadecimal (base-16) representation into its corresponding ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) character equivalents, allowing users to convert and understand binary data in a human-readable format.
How does ASCII hex work?
ASCII Code (Decimal) The ASCII characters are numbered from 0 to 255. The chart below shows their designation in hexadecimal numbers. ASCII Code (Hexadecimal) The ASCII characters are numbered from 00 to FF in hexadecimal. Note that 0 to 9 are the same in both numbering systems.
What is the logic to convert hex to ASCII?
The logic behind HEX to ASCII conversion is very simple. We are just checking whether the number is in range 0 – 9 or not. When the number is in that range, then the hexadecimal digit is numeric, and we are just simply adding 30H with it to get the ASCII value.
Which function is used to convert hexadecimal values to the ASCII characters?
The binascii module in Python provides several functions to convert binary data to different encodings, including ASCII. You can use the unhexlify() function to convert a hexadecimal string to bytes and then decode it to ASCII using the decode() method.
What function converts to hex?
Python hex() function is used to convert an integer to a lowercase hexadecimal string prefixed with “0x”. We can also pass an object to hex() function, in that case the object must have __index__() function defined that returns integer.