CSV to YAML Converter

Convert your CSV data into its respective YAML format.


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How to use this CSV to YAML Converter Tool?

Online CSV to YAML Example

Below is an example of the original CSV to YAML and the result.

Original CSV to YAML Example
album, year, US_peak_chart_post
yttags, 2022, -
pakainfo, 2018, -
infogreeper, 20.01, 61
infinity, 2003, 6
guest-posting-sites, 2005, 3
webix-infoway, 2007, 2
healthkeet, 2010, 11
seokeet, 2011, -

And an example of how the online CSV to YAML works.

CSV to YAML Result
  album: "yttags"
  year: "2022"
  US_peak_chart_post: "-"
  album: "pakainfo"
  year: "2018"
  US_peak_chart_post: "-"
  album: "infogreeper"
  year: "20.01"
  US_peak_chart_post: "61"
  album: "infinity"
  year: "2003"
  US_peak_chart_post: "6"
  album: "guest-posting-sites"
  year: "2005"
  US_peak_chart_post: "3"
  album: "webix-infoway"
  year: "2007"
  US_peak_chart_post: "2"
  album: "healthkeet"
  year: "2010"
  US_peak_chart_post: "11"
  album: "seokeet"
  year: "2011"
  US_peak_chart_post: "-"

How to use Yttags's CSV to YAML Converter?

  • Step 1: Select the Tool
CSV to YAML Converter Step 1
  • Step 2: paste your CSV text into the textbox And Press The Convert Button And Check Your CSV to YAML Converter Result
CSV to YAML Converter Step 2

If you want to link to Csv To Yaml Converter page, please use the codes provided below!

Csv To Yaml Converter

FAQs for CSV to YAML Converter

How to convert CSV to YAML file?
You can use a programming language like Python and the "csv" and "pyyaml" libraries to convert CSV to YAML in a few lines of code.
How to convert CSV file to YAML Python?
```python import csv, yaml; yaml.dump(list(csv.DictReader(open('input.csv'))), open('output.yaml', 'w')) ```
How do I convert Excel to YAML?
You can use a combination of libraries like "pandas" and "pyyaml" in Python to convert Excel to YAML: ```python import pandas as pd, yaml; yaml.dump(pd.read_excel('input.xlsx').to_dict(orient='records'), open('output.yaml', 'w')) ```
What is YAML file format?
YAML (YAML Ain't Markup Language) is a human-readable data serialization format that uses indentation for structuring and is often used for configuration files and data exchange.
Can you turn CSV into JSON?
Yes, CSV can be converted to JSON using various programming libraries or tools.