Bbcode GeneratorBBCode Generator

Welcome to the online bb code generator Like link code, html bbcode! Edit your text and click the "[BBCODE]" button to get your bb code.

Bold [ctrl+b]
Italic [ctrl+i]
Underline [ctrl+u]
Insert image [ctrl+shift+1]
Insert YouTube
• Unordered list
1. Ordered list
Font color
Font sizeFont size
Very smallSmallNormalBigVery big
Font familyFont family
ArialComic Sans MSCourier NewGeorgiaLucida Sans UnicodeTahomaTimes New RomanTrebuchet MSVerdana
Align left
Align center
Align right
Quote [ctrl+shift+3]
[code]Code [ctrl+shift+4]
Insert table
Remove Format
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How to use this BBCode Generator Tool?

Easily convert HTML markup language to BBCode with our online converter tool. Supports URL and file conversion. Compatible with Windows, MAC, Linux, Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari.

BBCode is a simplified markup language used to format text on online message boards and forums. While it might seem daunting to manually write BBCode, there's a solution: the BBCode Generator.

What is BBCode Generator?

BBCode Generator is an online tool that simplifies the process of formatting text using BBCode. It enables users to generate BBCode from plain text, which can then be inserted into forums, blogs, and other online platforms that support BBCode.

The BBCode Generator provides an intuitive interface where users can enter their desired text and choose formatting options such as bold, italic, underlined, font size, and color. The tool then generates the corresponding BBCode, which users can copy and paste into their desired online platform.

How does it work?

The BBCode Generator works by converting plain text into the BBCode format. Users can enter their text into the input field and use the formatting options provided to customize their content. For example, to make text bold, users can select the "Bold" option, and the BBCode Generator will generate the corresponding BBCode.

The BBCode Generator also supports advanced formatting options, such as creating tables, lists, and inserting images. Users can use the "Advanced Options" menu to access these features and customize their content further.

Once users are satisfied with their formatting, they can copy the generated BBCode and paste it into their desired online platform. The BBCode will be converted into formatted text when viewed by others, making it easy to create visually appealing and well-organized content.

Benefits of using BBCode Generator

The BBCode Generator offers several benefits:

  1. Simplified Formatting: The BBCode Generator simplifies the process of formatting text using BBCode, making it accessible to users with little to no programming experience.

  2. Time-saving: The BBCode Generator saves users time by automatically generating BBCode from plain text, eliminating the need to manually write formatting tags.

  3. Customization: The BBCode Generator offers a range of formatting options, allowing users to customize their content to suit their preferences.

  4. Versatility: BBCode generated by the BBCode Generator can be used on various online platforms, including forums, blogs, and social media sites, that support BBCode.

Online BBCode Generator Example

Below is an example of the original BBCode Generator and the result.

Original BBCode Generator Example
Welcome to the online bb code generator Like link code, html bbcode! Edit your text and click the "[BBCODE]" button to get your bb code.

And an example of how the online BBCode Generator works.

BBCode Generator Result
[b]Welcome[/b] to the online bb code generator Like link code, html [url=]bbcode[/url]! Edit your text and click the "[BBCODE]" button to get your bb code.

How to use Yttags's BBCode Generator?

  • Step 1: Select the Tool
BBCode Generator Step 1
  • Step 2: Enter The Text And Select The Options
BBCode Generator Step 2
  • Step 3: Check Your BBCode Generator Result
BBCode Generator Step 3

To learn more about BBCode, please visit BBCode.

BB Code Generator shortcuts

  • Bold: ctrl + b
  • Italic: ctrl + i
  • Underline: ctrl + u
  • Insert image: ctrl + shift + 1
  • Link: ctrl + shift + 2
  • Code: ctrl + shift + 4
  • Quote: ctrl + shift + 3


In conclusion, HTML to BBCode Converter is a valuable tool for converting HTML markup language to BBCode, a lightweight markup language commonly used in internet forums. It provides users with the ability to convert HTML entities, strings, or data to BBCode strings or data effortlessly. Additionally, the tool supports converting HTML URLs to BBCode and allows users to upload HTML files for conversion. With its cross-platform compatibility, HTML to BBCode Converter ensures accessibility across various operating systems and web browsers. Overall, this tool simplifies the process of formatting messages for internet forums by providing an efficient and user-friendly conversion solution.

The BBCode Generator is a valuable tool for creating visually appealing and well-formatted content on online platforms that support BBCode. Whether you're a blogger, forum user, or website owner, the BBCode Generator simplifies the process of formatting text, saving you time and effort. So next time you need to format text for an online platform, consider using the BBCode Generator for a hassle-free experience.

If you want to link to Bbcode Generator page, please use the codes provided below!

Bbcode Generator

FAQs for BBCode Generator

What is a BBCode?
BBCode (Bulletin Board Code) is a lightweight markup language used to format and style text on internet forums and bulletin boards.
What is BBCode used for?
BBCode is used to format and structure text, add images, links, and other media, and apply basic styling on online forums and bulletin boards.
What is the code format for the BBCode?
The code format for BBCode typically involves enclosing text or commands within square brackets, like `[tag]content[/tag]`, where "tag" represents a specific formatting or functionality.
How do I add an image to BBCode?
To add an image to BBCode, use the `[img]` tag followed by the image URL: `[img]image_url[/img]`.
What is the BB code for strikethrough?
The BBCode for strikethrough text is: `[s]strikethrough[/s]`.
How do you select strikethrough cells?
To select strikethrough cells in a spreadsheet, use conditional formatting or filtering based on the formatting style.