Age Calculator

Our free Age calculator computes age in terms of years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds, given a date of birth. ⇒ Try it yourself!

Date of birth :

Age at date :

Age result :
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How to use this Age Calculator Tool?

How to use Yttags's Age Calculator?

  • Step 1: Select the Tool
Age Calculator Step 1
  • Step 2: Select Your Date Of Birth & Age At Date And Click On Calculate Button
Age Calculator Step 2
  • Step 3: Check Your Age Calculator Result
Age Calculator Step 3

Online Age Calculator Example

Below is an example of the original Age Calculator and the result.

Original Age Calculator Example
Date Of Birth : December 10 2005
Age At Date : August 18 2023

And an example of how the online Age Calculator works.

Age Calculator Result
18 years, 4 months, 26 days
= 18.40 years
= 220.84 months
= 960.29 weeks
= 6722 days
= 161328 hours
= 9679680 minutes
= 580780800 seconds

About Use of Calculators

Find out how old a person, location, or thing is. Calculator can also be used to calculate the interval between two dates.

The age calculator determines the age range in years, months, and days as well as in total days.

How to Determine Age?

This age calculator determines age using two approaches that are similar yet slightly different. The alternative approach is only used to compute age very precisely in total days.

Months are the same as weeks. Parents wouldn't say their child is 7 months old if she is actually 4 months, 31 days long, plus 2 months, 30 days long, and 1 month, 28 days long. Typically, we make generalisations about months of various durations and count them all as general months.

The age calculator determines age by treating all years and months equally and using language that is universally understood. However, the calculator employs a formula to determine the precise number of days between dates when computing days.

The age calculator makes use of a function that counts the number of leap years in a given amount of time. It determines the precise number of days in a partial year as well.

Format dates

You can enter months and days with a single digit in the age calculator. You are not need to add a leading zero to them. However, you must enter the 4-digit year.

In the US, dates can be formatted with a forward slash, a period, or a dash:

  • mm.dd.yyyy.
  • mm-dd-yyyy

When formatting dates in Europe, you can use a forward slash, a period, or a dash:

  • dd/mm/yyyy

How Does a Calculator for Age Work?

The chronological age calculator employs cutting-edge algorithms to assist users in determining the age between given time intervals. The dob age calculator is a tool that delivers outcomes very quickly. Using this programme, I was able to determine a building's age, and the findings came in just a few seconds.

You'll immediately understand how it operates by counting the number of years, months, and days that have passed since the beginning to the present day. Every time period, including leap years and 31-day months, is calculated. As a result, you can anticipate an accurate computation based on the information you provided.

If you want to calculate your age in a pinch without any hassle, then you can easily do it with the above mentioned Best Age Calculator tool.

How to get age from age calculator?

  • Click on Enter Date Of Birth option and select your date of birth.
  • Click on Calculate age.

By doing just this you will know your age.

how to calculate age – If you also want to calculate your age or age but do not know how to calculate it, then this post of ours is for you.

In today's post, I will tell you in detail through 4 examples that you can calculate your age from your date of birth. Friends, this is just a calculation of addition and subtraction.

Once you understand this well, you can easily calculate the age of any person easily.

How to calculate age?

Two dates are required to extract Age, one is today's date and the other is Date Of Birth. You can find out your current age by subtracting your date of birth from today's date.

-: That is, the formula for extracting age is: -

Today's Date - Date of Birth

To solve it
  1. You have to subtract the day of your date of birth from the day of today's date.
  2. You need to subtract the month of your date of birth from the month of today's date.
  3. You have to subtract the year of your date of birth from the year of today's date.

I will show you how to calculate through some examples so keep reading the post till the end.

There are three units in a date:
  • Day
  • Month
  • Year

Whenever you go to calculate the age, you have to calculate through these 3 units.

By arranging the day, month and year, we get –

day < month < year

That is, day is the smallest unit, month is bigger than that and year is bigger than that.

Also you should know –

  • 30 days = 1 month
  • 12 months = 1 year

In the examples that I will show you to make you understand, I will calculate on this date of birth (14-07-1995).

I will show you four types of cases. If you understand these four types of problems very well, then you can calculate the age of any person on any given day.

Case – 1

Suppose today's date is 23-12-2022 and your date of birth is 14-07-1995. As I said above. Now you have to calculate your age. Let's see how you can do it.


Day Month Year
today's date 23 12 2022
date of birth 14 07 1995
Age ? ? ?

In such a situation, you can do this calculation very easily without any difficulty. Above I had told you the formula for extracting age –

Today's Date - Date of Birth

Day count

First of all we will subtract the day of birth date from the day i of today's date. 23 – 14 = 9 days

Month count

Subtract the month of birth from the month of today's date. 12 – 07 = 5 months

Count of years

Subtract the year of birth from the year of today's date. 2022 – 1995 = 27 years


Day Month Year
today's date 23 12 2022
date of birth 14 07 1995
Age 9 days 5 months 27 years

Means your age as on 23-12-2022 is 27 years 5 months 9 days.


Suppose today's date is 10-12-2022 and your date of birth is 14-07-1995. Now you have to calculate your age according to this date. Let's see how you can do it.


Day Month Year
today's date 10 12 2022
date of birth 14 07 1995
Age ? ? ?

In such a situation, your problem will not be solved easily. Its calculation has to be done in a different way. That formula to extract age will remain the same –

Today's Date - Date of Birth

Day count

When we go to subtract the day of birth from the day of today's date, we can see that the day of today's date is less than the day of birth. We know that a larger number cannot be subtracted from a smaller number.

So we'll borrow one month from today's date for the day. Now we know that a month is equal to 30 days. So the calculation of the day will be something like this. (10 + 30) – 14 = 26 days

Month count

Now that we have taken a month, first we will subtract one month from the month of today's date and then subtract the month of the date of birth from it. So the calculation of the month will be something like this. (12 – 1) – 07 = 4 months

Count of years

Subtract the year of birth from the year of today's date. 2022 – 1995 = 27 years


Day Month Year
today's date (10 + 30) (12 – 1) 2022
date of birth 14 07 1995
Age 26 days 4 months 27 years

Means your age as on 10-12-2022 is 27 years 4 months 26 days.

Case – 3

Suppose today's date is 22-01-2023 and your date of birth is 14-07-1995. Now you have to calculate your age according to this date. Let's see how you can do it.


Day Month Year
today's date 22 01 2023
date of birth 14 07 1995
Age ? ? ?

In such a situation, your problem will not be solved easily. Its calculation has to be done in a different way. That formula to extract age will remain the same –

Today's Date - Date of Birth

Day count

First of all we will subtract the day of birth date from the day i of today's date. 22 – 14 = 8 days

Month count

When we go to subtract the day of birth month from the month of today's date, we can see that the month of today's date is smaller than the month of birth date.

We know that a larger number cannot be subtracted from a smaller number. So we'll borrow a year from today's year for the month. Now we know that one year is equal to 12 months.

So the calculation of the month will be something like this. (01 + 12) – 07 = 6 months

Count of years

Now that we have borrowed one year, first we will subtract one year from the year of today's date and then subtract the year of the date of birth from it. So the calculation of the year will be something like this. (2023 – 1) – 1995 = 27 years


Day Month Year
today's date 22 (1 + 12) (2023 – 1)
date of birth 14 07 1995
Age 8 days 6 months 27 years

Means your age as on 10-12-2022 is 27 years 4 months 26 days.

Case – 4

Suppose today's date is 08-05-2023 and your date of birth is 14-07-1995. Now you have to calculate your age according to this date. Let's see how you can do it.


Day Month Year
today's date 08 05 2023
date of birth 14 07 1995
Age ? ? ?

In such a situation, your problem will not be solved easily. Its calculation has to be done in a different way. That formula to extract age will remain the same –

Today's Date - Date of Birth

Day count

When we go to subtract the day of birth from the day of today's date, we can see that the day of today's date is less than the day of birth. We know that a larger number cannot be subtracted from a smaller number.

So we will borrow for one month from today's date. Now we know that a month is equal to 30 days. So the calculation of the day will be something like this. (08 + 30) – 14 = 24 days

Month count

Now that we have taken a month, first we will subtract one month from the month of today's date and then subtract the month of the date of birth from it.

But after that when we go to subtract the day of birth month from the month of today's date, we can see that the month of today's date is less than the month of birth date.

We know that a larger number cannot be subtracted from a smaller number. So we'll borrow a year from today's year for the month. Now we know that one year is equal to 12 months.

So the calculation of the month will be something like this. (5 – 1 + 12) – 07 = 9 months

Count of years

Now that we have borrowed one year, first we will subtract one year from the year of today's date and then subtract the year of the date of birth from it. So the calculation of the year will be something like this. (2023 – 1) – 1995 = 27 years


Day Month Year
today's date (8 + 30) (5 – 1 + 12) (2023 – 1)
date of birth 14 07 1995
Age 24 days 9 months 27 years

Means your age as on 10-12-2022 is 27 years 9 months 24 days.

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Age Calculator

FAQs for Age Calculator

How to calculate age from date of birth?
To calculate age from date of birth, you need to subtract date of birth from today's date.
How is age calculated?
Age is calculated by subtracting the date of birth from the current date.
How to get age from mobile?
To extract age from mobile, you must first know the date of birth of the person whose age you want to extract. Then you go to Google and search Age Calculator By First of all, go to the website that will come and enter the date of birth. Then you can calculate the current age of that person by clicking on the Calculate button.
How to Find Someone's Age Without Directly Asking Them?
To tell someone's age, you first need to know their date of birth. After knowing their date of birth, you can easily tell how old they are by calculating with the help of age calculation formula. Or you can use our Best Age Calculator tool to tell how is old someone?.