How to Use Hashtags in 2024: A Guide for Every Network

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If you also want to know what is Hashtag? Hashtag meaning? 2023 then you have come to the right place. Today in this article we will give you complete information about hashtag (#).

If you want to be famous in Social Media. Want to get your post or photo viral. So it is very important for you to know about Hashtag.

What is a Hashtag and How Do You Use Them?, hashtag meaning, What is a hashtag?, How to create and use hashtags?

Tag meaning

Before understanding the hashtag meaning, we will know Tag meaning because:-

Hashtag is made of two words Hash Plus Tag. (Hash + Tag) Here tag in social media means to connect someone with you.

For example, if you have shared an image on Facebook and tagged your friend in it, then that image will be visible to him and his Facebook wall as well as to the people associated with it.

The meaning of tag in Social Media is to add someone to yourself, which increases the search volume of shared Image, Video, Gif and that Image can be seen by more and more people on Social Media.

Hashtag meaning

What does hashtag mean? (#) Hash in hashtag is a symbol that you will always see in your keyboard (#) . But when we use it in social media with any word or any sentence, then the meaning of this hash becomes Hashtag.

And by using the hashtag, we are putting that post in the category of all the posts related to it.

Using Hashtag starts showing in your Post or Image search result because whenever you use # Hashtag in front of your keyword, it gets converted into keyword link. Like #Blog, #food, #TravelPhoto

# Hashtag is always used before any word or sentence and in this you can use alphabetic letters and numbers.

Whenever you share your post or any image in social media, do not forget to hashtag it below.

Why Hashtags Are Important?

More than 3.50 Billion people are active users in social media today and millions of posts are being published online every second.

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In such a situation, how will your published post rank? Will your post be seen by only as many people as you have followers and friends?

How to make your post viral in social media? For this you have to use hashtag.

By using Hashtag, your post comes in the search result and whenever a user searches the same keyword by putting #, then your post and all the posts related to it will come in the search result.

Hashtag works like Metadata for Google, with the help of which different categories of content can be easily searched on the Internet with the help of hashtags.

For you, hashtag means to grab the attention of people and helps to connect with more and more people.

Without hashtags, your posts are lifeless and to give wings to your posts, you have to give hashtags in them. Only then it can go viral on social media.

History of Hashtags and Use

Hashtag (#) symbol is also known as pound sign. This sign was used on the Internet for many other reasons as well.

But on August 23, 2007, Chris Messina used it for the first time in social media Twitter and its name was Hashtag.

Today the hashtag is so popular that it is now used in all social media platforms. You must have also seen many hashtags on the side below the post of people many times.

Let’s know how hashtags do it: –

How to Use Hashtags on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram?

It is very easy to use Hashtag in any post and image of your Social Media, for this you should know the right way to use Hashtag.

There are some basic rules that you can follow: –

  1. Hashtag is always used in front of any Word, Keyword or sentence like #TravelBlog, #DigitalMarketing #Fashionworld2023
  2. Do not use space between Hashtag, words and keywords.
  3. If any post is published using Hashtag, then that post should always be in public mood and not in private.
  4. Always use short word or 2-3 words only, more long sentences do not work in Hashtag.
  5. Use Popular Hashtag.
  6. Do not use too many hashtags in a single post, apply only as many hashtags as necessary.
  7. You should only give the hashtag related to the post or images, not anything else.
  8. You can use letter and number in Hastag and avoid using any symbol.

Create your own hashtag meaning

Create your own hashtag meaning means that whenever you want to make anything viral in social media, put a hash (#) in front of similar words and write a comma (,) Make another hashtag by putting it.

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How to Use Hashtags Effectively on Social Media?

First of all Hashtag was used in Twitter but now this Tag is used in every social media network whether it is Facebook or Instagram, Youtube or even Twitter.

Everywhere you will find the usage of hashtag.

Till now we have learned what is Hashtag and now we will see what is the right way to use Hashtag in social media?

Twitter Hashtag

How to Use Hashtags With Twitter?

You can use your hashtag anywhere in this platform, anywhere in the top, middle or last of the post. Even if you are re-tweeting someone, you can use hashtag in it.

Do not forget to put Hashtag in your Bio-description.

How many hashtags should be used in Twitter?

You can add Minimum 1-2 Hashtag to your twitter post, do not use too many hashtags, use only the main keyword in your tag which you want to highlight.

To find other’s content in twitter, you search that keyword by putting #, you will also get many content ideas and hashtag ideas.

Facebook Hashtag

The trend of Hashtag in Facebook started a few years back (2013). The facebook hashtag is slightly less effective than the rest of the social media platforms because most of the people here also have private Facebook accounts.

So it can be a bit difficult to find out how your hashtag is working here.

Still there are many people who are using hashtags in Facebook as well and you can also do it, there is no problem in this.

Instagram hashtag

hashtag in instagram : By using hashtag in Instagram, you can make your post very famous. You have to write a good caption, after that you can apply at least 5-10 hashtags related to your post.

If your followers are getting very engaged in a post, then you can use hashtags in the comment box of that post as well.

Like in twitter we use hashtags in our bio as well as in instagram’s bio and in instagram stories also you hashtag them.

Youtube hashtag

Youtube is going to be the number one platform of growing social media today. Today many new people are starting their YouTube channel.

In such a situation, the competition of youtubers is increasing as well as there is a lot of competition to appear in the search results.

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With the use of hashtag in youtube, you can come quickly in its search results.

And the right thing is that if you want to be successful in youtube career, then you must put hashtag in each of your videos.

When you upload youtube video, you can put 3 hashtags in your youtube creator studio.

You can put it anywhere in the top, middle or end of the description, but you can put only 3 maximum hashtags.

LinkedIn Hashtag

If you use LinkedIn, then you will know that this platform is a very professional platform, here also you can put hashtag anywhere in your post.

Use hashtags in LinkedIn in a professional way and research the right keywords before using hashtags.

Pinterest hashtag

This is a very good platform from where you can do a lot of traffic drive for your website by using creative images.

In Pinterest, you have to upload images and give a small description with a Heading and a link to your website.

If you use hashtag in Pinterest then it is also a type of metadata which helps in your popularity. That’s why do some such hashtags that people search more, you can easily get success in this platform by using popular hashtags.

How to Find Trending Hashtags on Instagram [2023]?

What is a Hashtag and How Do You Use Them? You must have understood this, now it comes to the point that from where do we get Popular and Trending hashtags to use in our social media accounts?

So there are some websites in the internet using which you can find your social media hashtag like:-

  2. Hashtagify
  3. #HashMe hashtag Generator
  4. hashtag Expert
  5. Sked Social
  6. Instagram hashtag Generator


What is a Hashtag? Hashtag meaning, How Do You Use And how important it is to use hashtags in your social media.

Whenever you upload your post or images and if you want that post to be viral in social media, then you should use the hashtag according to those posts.

You must have keywords to find the right hashtag. If you search that keyword by putting # in the search bar, then you will get a lot of content related to the main keyword.

Out of that, you can also see which hashtags people use in their viral posts.

Use of a right Hashtag can be very beneficial for you.

FAQ – hastags

What is hashtag called?

  • The meaning of hashtag is hash-tag, meaning also hashtag is called hash-tag.

What is the role of hashtags in social media?

  • Most hashtags are used in social media only, the word for which you will make a hashtag, your post can go viral through the same tag and comes in the search.

Can we get better results than normal search by using hashtags?

  • Yes! You get more searches in social media using hashtags.

Hi, I’m Jaydip Gondaliya. I help build websites, grow businesses, big and small. If that is what you want, contact me. I’m currently available for freelance work.

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