Best free vpn for pc / Windows (Fast & Secure | 2024)

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Read this post to know Best Tips to use free vpn for pc. Because in this post, the process working on all Windows (Free Vpn For Pc Windows 10) has been told.

As you know, in today’s time many foreign apps and websites have been banned in India. Vpn service is needed in the computer when you want to access foreign sites.

Or you sometimes want to send personal data somewhere, in this situation it is necessary to have VPN service. In today’s time it is difficult to find reliable Vpn. That is, to use Vpn App for free, one has to see the advertisements issued by the App.

In such a situation, if you want to take service for free (Free Vpn Without Payment), then let me tell you that by using these tips without paying money, you will be able to use VPN (Virtual Private Network) in a best way.

What Is The Full Form Of VPN?

If you use something, then first of all you want to know about it, then let me tell you that the full form of VPN has been described in the post of


How to use Free Vpn Service in Laptop OR pc?

There is no need of any software to use Vpn for free in any Laptop / Pc because Vpn is already given in your laptop. To use this service only Server Name and Address is required.

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Follow the step by step process to use this service in PC.

step 1

  • First of all open Google in any browser and search Vpn Book. That is, you have to visit the website of

step 2

  • After coming to the Vpnbook website, click on the option with PPTP.
  • The server address of many countries will appear in front of you.
  • Note any address from this page and the password given below anywhere.

step 3

  • First of all open Pc and search by writing Vpn next to the Start button.
  • Click on Vpn Settings found in the search result.

step 4

  • Here the page of the laptop will appear.
  • Click on the option of Add A Vpn Connection.

step 5

Here a page will open. Many details have to be entered on this page. which is like this.

  1. VPN Provider: Select Windows in this box.
  2. Connection Name: Type the name of the connection Vpnbook.
  3. Server Name Or Address : Enter the noted address.
  4. VPN Type: Select Point To Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) here.
  5. Type Of Sign-In Info: Select User Name And Password here.
  6. User Name (Optional): Type Vpnbook here.
  7. Password (Optional) : Enter the noted password.
  8. Remember My Sign-In Info: Tick on this option.
  9. Save: Click on the Save button.

step 6

Here your Vpn Network is ready. Now you can easily connect like internet. This is the process that provides the option to connect Vpn for free.

What Is VPN?

Vpn is a network using which personal data can be sent anywhere under privacy. If you use Wifi, it creates a secure connection between your laptop and the sender. This has the advantage that your data is safe from hackers.

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If you want to save the data from Unauthorized user and send it somewhere, then you should use Vpn service. Application or protocol address can be used to use this service.

How VPN Works?

Vpn is required to access any other website. When connecting Vpn to a Pc, it connects your laptop’s browser to Vpn. Due to which the location of your country is blocked and instead the location of other countries is visible.

In this situation, you can search Ban Website even while staying in India. As soon as you connect the laptop with Vpn, Google does not know in which location you are using Pc. That is, you can use the website of any country through Vpn Service.

Conclusion – free vpn for pc

In this article, the way to connect the best free VPN (Best Free Vpn For Pc Download) has been explained. In this post, it has also been told that what is the correct process of connecting to Vpnbook.

If you want to understand through video, then a video has also been posted in this post, by watching which you can follow the process. You subscribe to our YouTube Channel.

Hi, I’m Jaydip Gondaliya. I help build websites, grow businesses, big and small. If that is what you want, contact me. I’m currently available for freelance work.

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