How to Start a Fashion Blog and Make Money from Fashion Blogging in 2024

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How to start Fashion Blog in 2024? Become a Successful Fashion Blogger and Earn $10,000 Monthly with it.

Want to start blogging on fashion? This is the right option but do you know how to start a Fashion blog? Where to start a fashion blog? And how to earn money from fashion blog.

Creating the best fashion blog is easy but designing them properly is equally difficult. I will teach you how to create a fashion blog easily.

Blogging is the best way to write articles and generate revenue using any ad network.

Yes, I have mentioned here the best way to start a fashion blog. Why? Because many fashion bloggers are not able to succeed after starting a clothing blog or fashion blog due to less information.

Table of Contents

Who can start Fashion Blog?

A fashion blogging website provides you the best platform to throw out your thoughts on styles, clothing and fashion topics and also brings you thousands of opportunities.

If you want to see more information and learn “How to Start a Fashion Blog and Make it Famous?”.

So I would like to advice you to hurry up and start because starting is important, you can do it as well as people of an age can do it?

No, everyone has rights but startup is important. Now you can Start a fashion blog In India You can start 2023 can be a successful year for you.

This is the best tutorial for fashion blogger, many ideas made for fashion blog India are already included here.

You are probably already following the best fashion bloggers and influencers on Instagram as it is a good possibility to find straightforward ways to start a new fashion blog.

Want to start a fashion blog on Instagram? But these are limited methods. Because Instagram blocks some advance methods and creates Limitations.

Starting a blog as a teenager is not difficult, with many female bloggers entering the blogging industry as well as men.

Today is very easy to start your fashion blogging, but it is definitely difficult to be successful and earn money from it.

If you are passionate about fashion and style, if you decide to start a blog with this and learn how to become a fashion blogger and earn money from it, please follow my amazing ways first.

Why should you start a Fashion Blog in 2024?

You will be surprised to see that fashion bloggers earn not thousands but lakhs from their blogs.

There are many ways to earn money, but if you are passionate about fashion and have a lot of knowledge about it, then you can earn money after a successful startup.

According to Business Insider, fashion and style brands are expected to spend up to $20 billion in the coming years.

They spend a lot on everything from visits, free samples, pick up materials, and promotional posts.

According to Harper’s Bazaar, designers and all other top brands spend over a billion dollars each year on Instagram alone.

Imagine if billions of dollars are spent on designing and styling only on Instagram, imagine how many dollars would be spent on other platforms?

When I made my first blog in 2018, it took me 5-6 days. Because I used to have a lot of difficulty in gathering this information which was not complete on the internet at that time.

Till date, I am giving all the ways that I have learned to earn money by making a blog, in this post, you will definitely be able to become a successful fashion blogger.

From this you can get more which are given below:

What is the future of fashion blogging?

  1. You can create your own brand.
  2. You can expand your styling business.
  3. You can even earn millions of dollars.
  4. You can build good relationships with other fashion bloggers.

More can be done in every field which depends on the talent itself. Do you know what you will learn next in this guide?

How To Become A Fashion Blogger: A Beginners Guide?

This guide will give you the A to Z information. Because we will learn from the beginning only then we will know the end.

You will get to know the information given below easily. This is the most suitable information that will make you successful in your blogging career.

1. What are the requirements to start your own Fashion and clothing blog?
2. How much does it cost to start a Fashion Blog?
3. How To Start A Fashion Blog (And Make Money Doing It!)?
4. Where to start a fashion blog?
5. How to start Fashion Blog and earn money?

Now one thing comes to mind, if I want to make a website then I need to have knowledge of coding? Do you also think that you should have Coding knowledge to make such a website?

Not at all, when we started our first blog, we had absolutely no knowledge of html and css coding. Rather, we should start blogging career with 0% knowledge.

How is this possible? Because the blog platform we have chosen for ourselves, there is no need to learn coding immediately. Yes, we are right that the need for coding comes at an advanced level, and with time you move towards learning.

How to Start a Fashion Blog (and Make Money) – Step by Step

As we have said above, you should have only a few things with the help of which you can start a fashion blog. Stop worrying about coding knowledge as we will teach you how to blog without coding.

What do you need to start a fashion blog?

  1. Any working Computer or Laptop with Dual-core or higher version,
  2. Working internet connection with a speed of 1 mbps or more.
  3. A unique domain name (eg,
  4. Fastest and reliable web hosting service (like Fastcomet is the best hosting and recommended by WordPress CMS) to host your blog files.
  5. A lightweight and optimized WordPress theme (like Generate Press or OceanWP wp themes it is well optimized, fastest and best WordPress theme).

If you want to make a blog on fashion designing, then you should already have a computer / laptop and a good internet connection.

Yes, we recognize. That’s why you have come here to get fashion blogging ideas. are we right? Means fashion blog ideas for beginners is ready, now all you need is a good domain name, good web hosting and a WordPress theme.

Now the idea has come but how to start and from where? You need to choose the right platform and domain name for your blog.

How to Choose the Perfect Domain Name?

Before you dive into the beginning and end of your blog, a branding is essential, as is finding the best domain. You have to determine what the domain name will be about your website.

Take some time when choosing a domain name because this initial step is very important. When you have chosen your Blogging Category, then the time comes that what will be the name of your blog and which extension to go with.

For this, first of all think about your Niche, your Target Audience and what kind of your blog will be, only then choose the Blog Name.

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How to come up with a good domain name?

Some things have to be kept in mind while choosing the right domain, such as including fashion keywords in the domain.

Keep domain length to minimum as make it easy to spell and look eye-catching, it is a ranking factor for your audience and SEO. Google also says that the shorter the domain name, the more popular it is.

Please check below points to choose your domain name.

  1. Use the .com extension as these are the most likely cases used by professional fashion bloggers.
  2. Avoid combining numbers when searching for your domain name. (eg –
  3. Get a Free Domain Name Because in most of the cases web hosting providers give you a free domain name with hosting plans like Fastcomet Namecheap, Hostinger etc.
  4. Use the Blog name generator to find the best domain name.
  5. Check out the domain names of other popular fashion bloggers to get an idea of what should be used in a domain.
  6. We would recommend you to go with country-wise domain names. Such as .us for the United States, .uk for the United Kingdom, .au for Australia, and .ca for Canada. They rank better quickly than others.

We have already covered all the details of what you should do while buying the best domain in this post “How to create a Blog”. You can get more ideas from there if you want.

Buy a Domain Name Online.

If you already have a web hosting plan, then you cannot buy a free domain without buying a hosting plan.

Godaddy or NameCheap domain registrar is best to buy domain name. Sometimes you get a good domain discount from which runs 99 cents.

Now you have got the domain name, so how to create a blog now? On which platform would it be the right decision to create a Clothing website or a Style website?

Which is the best platform to start a fashion blog?

If you want to be successful in blogging then you should use WordPress because many fashion bloggers have made their blog without learning coding.

Use WordPress and create a successful fashion blog as it is the most widely used CMS.

According to the Pingdom survey, 52% out of every 100 blogs are using the self-hosted platform alone.

Now, it is also confirmed that you have to use WordPress CMS to create a fashion blog. But WordPress is a content management platform that you will need web hosting to install WordPress.

Are you ready to watch it now? Let us now start with how to buy the best web hosting for your website.

How to Choose the Best Web Hosting for Your Site?

As we said earlier, buying just the domain name can usually be expensive, which costs $10.99 per year, and is usually free if you buy web hosting from Fastcomet, Bluehost, or Hostinger.

It is great for beginners as they have low budget. Do you know how to start a budget fashion blog?

Luckily, Bluehost is getting a lot of freebies like free domain, free SSL and free website transfer, etc. We have already told you how to get 60% off on website hosting at Blue Host. You can buy web hosting for as low as $2.75/month only.

It is very important to have the fastest web hosting to build a website because the advantages of low-cost cheap web hosting are less and the disadvantages are more, in Bluehost you will see more advantages without any loss.


  • 24/7 Customer Support,
  • 30 Days Money back policy,
  • Free Automated Backups,
  • Free CDN,
  • Free Dedicated IP,
  • Free Domain Privacy,
  • Free Domain name,
  • Free SSL,
  • Optimized CPU Resources,
  • Unlimited Space & Bandwidth.


  • Discount is less for renewal.

Wow, now you know why you should buy web hosting from Bluehost. Along with this you also learned how to choose the best web hosting for fashion blogging sites.

Let us now see step by step how to buy web hosting from Bluehost for your WordPress website now.

How to Start a Fashion Blog on Bluehost (Tutorial 2023)?

To buy any one hosting plan, first of all you have to go to the official Bluehost website. After the Blue Host website is open, you have to buy hosting from Blue Host according to the steps given below.

  1. Now click on the “Get Started” button to select the right plan.
  2. 4 web hosting plans will appear on the next screen. You will be asked to choose one of these plans.
  3. Bluehost has 4 plans Basic, Plus, Choice Plus and Pro out of which it will recommend “CHOICE PLUS” but we will suggest you “Plus plan” initially as you can upgrade it later.
  4. Choose “Plus” or “Basic” as per your requirement and click on “Select” button.
  5. The next step will be asked to set up your primary domain name. If you do not have a domain name then select “Create a domain name” option.
  6. Now click on the “Next” button.

If you want to buy web hosting first and haven’t decided on a domain name, you can skip this step and create a domain later. For this, click on “I’ll create a domain later” carefully.

How to Create a New Bluehost Account in 2023 [Quick & Easy]?

Now, if the domain name you selected is available, you will be asked to create a new account on Bluehost.

We tell you more tricks to get discount from Bluehost. You just have to take action to close the browser but don’t close the browser.

What will happen with this, then more discount will be asked from Bluehost, only then you will have to click on “Claim Savings” of Special Sign-Up Offer from Bluehost Web Hosting.

Fill in the account information for Bluehost sign up.

To sign up for a new account on Bluehost web hosting it is necessary to enter all the fields carefully as given below.

Bluehost Acount SignUp.

  • First Name & Last Name
  • Country
  • Street Address
  • City & State
  • ZIP Code
  • Phone Number
  • Email Address

Email address is required to receive hosting invoice and for future reference.

Package Information.

Now the Package Information has to be selected in which you have to choose how many years of Hosting Plan to buy. After this, the hosting price is automatically calculated.

Select the plan term “12, 24, 36 Months” etc.

While buying web hosting go with longer term as it gets more discount. Primary Domain Registration and Free Let’s Activate Free Let’s Encrypt SSL by Blue Host Now.

Remove Unnecessary Extra Packages

If you do not have the budget, then remove the additional packages like Code Guard Basic, Bluehost Code Guard Basic, Bluehost SEO Tools, Site Lock Security etc.

How to pay for Bluehost?

Now payment information has to be filled to buy Web Hosting from Blue Host. After which the terms and rules have to be signed.

  1. Credit card number has to be written.
  2. Enter the Signature / CVV2 Code code.
  3. Select what is the last date / validity of the credit card.
  4. Click on Agree to Terms and Terms.
  5. Now click on the “Submit” button.

In this way, as soon as the credit card verification is completed, your account will be created on BlueHost. Now it’s time to install WordPress on Bluehost. Do you know how to install WordPress on Bluehost?

How to Create a Fashion Blog on WordPress & Elementor ?

Please check How to start a fashion blog with WordPress as this is the first step after purchasing web hosting.

If you buy a domain name from other hosting like Godaddy, Fastcomet, Hostinger, NameCheap etc then you can change Bluehost name server in first domain registrar login.

If you have availed free domain from Bluehost while purchasing the web hosting, then you do not need to change the name server as Bluehost keeps its name server default set.

How to Install WordPress on Bluehost?

Installing WordPress on Bluehost is a very easy process. WordPress is open source software that you can use to create a beautiful fashion blog, WordPress website or app.

Install beautiful fashion designing themes, install plugins with powerful features, and get the freedom to create anything you want.

Do you know how long it takes to install WordPress on Bluehost web hosting? WordPress started as a blogging system, but has evolved into a full-fledged CMS and much more.

Are you ready to get started with Bluehost WordPress Blog now? Marketplace makes it easy to install WordPress and other third-party scripts on your Bluehost web hosting account.

You can install WP in two ways like BlueRock or legacy using Bluehost control panel. Whichever method you like, use it to create your fashion WordPress blog on Bluehost.


  1. Click on the “My Sites” tab from the left side navigation menu.
  2. Now click on “Create Site” button.
  3. Click on “Manage Site”.
  4. Enter your “Site Name & SiteTagline”.
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Site title and tagline should reflect the brief description of your brief description, now enter your site details here. See the example of title and tagline ideas from other blogs for better understanding.

  • Click on the “Log in to WordPress” tab.
  • Enter your WordPress Admin Username & Password that you have created.


  • Click on “website” option from the sub-menu bar.
  • From the WordPress section, click on the “Install now” button.
  • Hover your mouse over the WordPress icon, and click on the “Install” button.

Enter WordPress Admin Information.

In this option one click install button select directory where you want to install WordPress.

  1. Select the URL of the website where you want to install WordPress.
  2. Don’t forget to select with HTTPS site URL.
  3. Enter a site name and site description now.
  4. Enter the wp-login username and password you want.
  5. In the advanced tab, select the database name and directory.
  6. Now finally click on the “Install” button.

So in these ways you can install WordPress on Bluehost web hosting. You can also check out the Bluehost guide for more details.

What to do after installing WordPress on Bluehost? Find Best fashion blog Magazine WordPress themes now.

Best WordPress Themes For Fashion Blogs.

Whether you will use free theme or use premium theme on fashion blog, it will be your decision because according to the budget you should go ahead.

Below is the “5 Best Fashion Blog Theme List 2023” for you which you can use. Here this collection of best fashion themes.

best wordpress themes for fashion blog

  1. Astra
  2. GeneratePress
  3. OceanWP
  4. Divi
  5. Thrive Themes

Now see the process How to install WordPress theme on your fashion blog? Get Astra Theme with 25% Extra Active Discount Also an Affiliate Booster with 10% Extra Active Discount.

How to Install a WordPress Theme?

There are more than one method used to install wordpress theme such as installing wordpress theme through wordpress login and other by FTP file manager.

Install wordpress theme in wordpress login.

  1. Go to Appearance >> Themes.
  2. Now click on “Add new” button.
  3. Click on Upload Theme >> Install now.

Install Wp Theme Via FTP File manager

You can also install WordPress themes on your fashion blog through FTP cPanel. how can you do this? It’s very easy to log in to cPanel and proceed.

  1. Go to File Manager,
  2. Open the blog directory where your fashion designing blog is already installed. (By default WordPress is installed in “Public_html” folder),
  3. Now find the “wp-Content” folder,
  4. Now click on the “Themes” folder,
  5. Click on “Upload File” to upload the theme zip file.
  6. After uploading the zip file, right-click using the mouse cursor to select .
  7. Click on the “Extract” button.
  8. Now finally go to the WordPress dashboard and activate the WP theme using the “Activate” button.

If you have created fashion blog to earn money, then buy premium theme because installing free theme reduces the benefits.

How to start a fashion blog without money Stupid searches like this will destroy your blogging career. So choose premium, choose the right one, see what the benefits of a premium theme are.

Free vs Premium WordPress Themes (Pros and Cons)

Has all the benefits of a premium theme. Let us see what are the advantages and disadvantages of using a premium WordPress theme as compared to a free one.


  1. Get lightweight and speedy by using premium themes.
  2. Premium themes are well optimized with more compressed HTML and CSS files.
  3. Due to premium, 24 * 7 hours support will be available for any support if unfortunately theme broken or update problem at any time.


  1. Renewal cost has to be paid (if applicable).
  2. No harm with its lava premium theme.

Page Builders like Thrive Architect or Elementor will be of great contribution in creating the right design for your stylish blog as this Stylish fashion blog without any coding knowledge will design the landing page.

You have seen how many benefits premium has. How to start a fashion blog for free? You will spend your precious time on such question only because only Trial is available for free, not Result.

I hope now you will consider to go premium theme for your fashion blog. Along with installing the WordPress theme, it is mandatory to install the required plugins in the next process.

10+ Best WordPress Plugins For Fashion Blogs

This plugin is a beautiful example of getting work done on your website without any coding knowledge. With the help of plugins, you can do your work in minutes in one click which can be done in hours.

I have put together a list of eight free and premium important plugins that you need to install and set up right away to create a successful fashion blog.

There are millions of paid and free plugins available in Plugin directory. But choosing the right premium plugins is an essential part of becoming a successful fashion influencer in the year 2023.

Before you start installing plugins one by one as per the below list, I would suggest you to first remove WordPress pre-installed plugins like hello dolly.

Go to path : Plugins >> Install Plugins >> Deactivate >> Delete.

Top Plugins For Fashion Blogs In 2023

See Plugins are used according to their work. Every Webmaster wants to use them according to himself. It is not necessary that you use them, but if you want to make Fashion Blog a success, then it will be very important to work according to planning.

Envira Gallery :

Envira Gallery Plugin is an amazing image gallery plugin and works well for all clothing and photography blogs. It is a beginner-friendly and very easy to use on your fashion blog.

Every fashion blog displays many pictures in order to grow fast and become popular. It allows you to instantly create photo albums and image galleries on your photography blog.

This is the reason photography blog becomes very heavy due to many pictures, Envira Gallery plugin is very helpful to load your fashion blog pictures easily and improve site performance.

Wp Rocket:

WP Rocket is an amazing essential plugin to automatically improve website speed. You can deliver excellent results to your visitors and customers without touching the code.

Akismet Anti-Spam:

Akismet is an easy to use and free plugin that also has the ability to automatically block all your spam comments. Your blog is fully configured and protected even while you sleep.

RankMath SEO :

Recently Rank Math is an option with Yoast SEO plugin. Yes, Yoast SEO and Rank Math is the best SEO Plugin to rank high or first page on Google search engine.

I would suggest you to use rank math plugin as SEO plugin to optimize your SEO. Rank Math provides many SEO futures in simple ways.

The Rank Math plugin is available with free and premium versions to use as a Search engine optimization setup on your WordPress fashion blog.

Wp Smush It:

Smush is another great image compression plugin to Lazy Load your fashion blogging images, optimize and compress all images without losing quality.

Smush is the Award Winning Optimizer Plugin to improve website Google Page Speed with the incredibly powerful and 100% free wordpress image smasher.

Thrive Architect or Elementor:

If you do not have knowledge of HTML and CSS coding then you will need page builders to create attractive website design without touching any code.

Both Thrive Architect and Elementor are the best drag and drop page builders, designed pre-built tools and give you an amazing website landing page.

Thrive Architect is my favorite page builder because it already has several pre-designed landing pages as well as several custom add-on tools.

Simple Social Icons :

Every fashion blog based on social media because all fashion designing audience is benefited from best social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, And Twitter etc.

If your photography, clothing, and stylish fashion blog is not popular than others then you will share your post, product links on above popular platform using this plugin.

The link is shared to your audience from this social media shared by you.

Mailer Lite:

Mailerlite is the best email marketing software for updating visitors and customers about your products and newsletters.

Mailer Lite is the best way to become an awesome email marketing expert with advanced tools made easy for you.

There are many more email marketing tools available like Get Response, Mailchimp, HubSpot, Aweber etc. available at high cost, but Mailerlite is a budget-friendly email marketing tool with lifetime free for up to 1,000 subscribers.

MailerLite includes live 24/7 support, a budget-friendly tool, and the latest features like stylish landing pages and automation.

Word fence Security:

Wordfence is a security plugin that includes a WordPress Firewall, Security Scanner and many other login protection tools to secure your WordPress fashion blog.

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Create Pages And Start Fashion Blogging

Once you have installed the required plugins as per above, now it is time to create a new important page for your fashion blog as listed below:

  1. ABOUT: This is a blog summary, give brief details of your website, why you make fashion designing blog, who is the owner of the blog and what is your next vision, etc.
  2. PRIVACY: Privacy policy is an information page for which you will collect information for your customers and visitors as well.
  3. SHIPPING: Create a shipping page where you can ship your products and give details about the delivery period of the products such as those you cannot ship them to.
  4. CONTACT US: This is for a very common question raised by your fashion blog or get suggestions from your customers on what they would need.
  5. RETURNS & EXCHANGES: This is a Return Policy National and Internationala, exchange policy, sales and price adjustment details page.

Thus your main pages are now created. Do you know what to write on fashion blog and how to start writing? Let’s figure out how to write the first post.

Don’t forget to setup the essentials for your WordPress fashion blog.

Before you create First Post for your WordPress fashion blog, it is mandatory to setup once as given below.

  1. General : Enter a title and description of your site in a general setting and briefly describe what the site is about. Some other details are also required like WordPress blog URL and email.
  2. Writing: This is pre-populated by default. If your mail server setup is complete then change it. Also, there is a ping URL option here. When you publish a new post, WordPress automatically notifies the following site update services.
  3. Reading: Reading settings displays your homepage settings. If you have a statistics page then set the setting to display a static page for your users. Don’t change here if you don’t have a static page.
  4. Discussion : Discussion is a comment settings page. This is a default post setting, other comment settings, comment moderation, and comment avatars setups are available here.
  5. Permalinks: Here is the most important SEO setting. Do not forget to change the URL to SEO based permalink structure for your fashion blog.

Change your Permalinks Structure Common Settings as “Post name” for better SEO ranking.

Create Content & Start Fashion Blog

Creating a new post is the time to start growing your fashion blog using creating a new post.

Do you know how to write fashion blogging content posts? If you don’t know then please check its points step by step here.

What are the things to be kept in mind while writing fashion blogging posts and how to write a new post is described here.

Collecting complete information about the subject on which a detailed post is to be written, such as the competition of the post already written on the Internet, etc.

To write a new post on fashion blogging, you first need to take care of few things, use keyword planner to find best keywords for your styling blog as well as use best long tail keywords.

SEMrush is my favorite SEO tool for finding long-tail keywords. Using SEMrush you can find out all the low competition keywords as well as track your backlink analysis, keyword competition, keywords status and much more.

Ahrefs is an alternative to keywords positions finding, backlink building, tracking and SEO ranking tracking. Now let’s see how to publish your first post.

  1. Go to your WordPress Login and enter word press credentials.
  2. After login in WordPress Dashboard you will get post section “Posts >> Add New” or one-click using “+New >> Post” as per image given below.

When writing an article, it is advisable to write information from beginning to end for your fashion blog audience.

  • Add User Friendly and Eye Catching Headings.
  • Make short paragraphs because now it is mobile-friendly. Each paragraph should be made up to 2-3 lines only.
  • Upload fashion designing images and videos to your website wherever applicable.

Now in this way you can open your New Post Wizard. Get the best fashion blogging new post ideas as given below to make the best post.

Tips on SEO for Fashion Blogs and Brands

If the audience is happy then you will be happy and if both are happy then Search Engine will give better ranking to your blog posts.

Therefore, while writing a New Blog Post, first of all get information about what to do and how to do it for High Ranking in Search Engine.

I would recommend you to use RANK Math plugin for SEO purposes, I personally use it for all my blogs and I am already getting best results.

Check out this article in detail how Rank Math Plugin helps you perfectly for your fashion blogging website. I hope you have learned how to do SEO for your clothes blog.

For practical, before publishing each new post, I would like to give information about fashion blog posts, how to do SEO.

  • Use Focus Keyword according to your post in SEO Tittle.
  • Use Focus Keyword in the beginning in Permalink.
  • Describe and optimize a short description when it appears in the post search engines it will appear as a description.

Right content should be of 5000 or more words for better rank in search engine. It is dependent on the length of the article along with other fashion blogger content seo optimization.

If you find low competition keywords then there is a chance for you to come with search engines top level rank. Now publish the article after the Fashion blog designing post is ready.

Promote your Fashion Brand Online

New Fashion Blog is an empty house for a few months. I know you are following full article and do your best with best seo article.

How well SEO based article has been written by you and the number of followers following your designing blog on Social Media Account is increasing your blogging currier.

Promoting your clothing and style blog is essential if you want to grow a social audience. It will take some time to get traffic to your blog.

Do you know how to promote your Fashion Blog to get more website traffic?

Build Quality Backlinks to Rank Your Fashion.

Backlinks are a more important factor in promoting quality organic traffic coming from search engines. If you have Back Links then your Growing Speed is fast.

Build backlinks according to other fashion blogging sites which are your competitive sites.

If you do not have proper knowledge to build quality backlinks for your fashion blog, then use SEMrush to find all your competitors’ profile backlinks one by one.

Build Email Audience

Do you know why email marketing is popular now because email converts visitors to your blog into customers.

Many famous fashion bloggers as well as professional webmasters use email newsletters to stay connected with their audience.

Email marketing tools will help you develop and recover good relationships with your audience better than any business marketing method you use.

I am using MailerLite email marketing tool. This is a free of cost lifetime offer for up to 1,000 customers. It’s worth it to send $0 with Mailer Lite and build your email audience.

So I hope you now consider email newsletters essential for your fashion blog.

Growing Your Social Media Audience

Every fashion blog audience receives traffic mostly from Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, and Twitter will quickly notify your audience to read the blog post.

Spend more time analyzing and reading the biggest fashion blogs.

You will get something new after reading and learning. Yes, popular fashion bloggers have also increased their quality in the same way.

The more time you spend reading and learning from other fashion blogs, the more experience you will gain. If you don’t have a unique idea, follow other fashion blogger’s promotional ideas.

I suggest you get other fashion blog ideas as this will teach you how they are promoting their designing blog on social media.

Apart from these, there are many ways to promote your blog which are both free and premium.

If you want to promote your fashion blog for free then share the post on below platform.

Also answer the question with questions and answers related to your post on the website.

Follow Rules Grow Fashion Blog

  1. Use Reddit platform to get blog traffic.
  2. Create a short post or share website link on
  3. Start your YouTube channel on Fashion. If you build your audience with YouTube videos, soon you can rank
  4. your fashion blog on search engine because of fashion videos.
  5. Comment on other fashion blogs with high domain authority and high website traffic.
  6. Create an account on and answer fashion blog questions and add a link to your post.

In this way your Fashion Blog can be promoted for free. If you want to get Paid Traffic then you can run google ad, Facebook, Pinterest and youtube ads.

Now it is your last turn if you get enough website traffic within few months then monetize your fashion and earn money online.

How To Start A Fashion Blog That Makes Money In 2023?

According to the above methods, a fashion blog is created. Along with this, you have also learned how to increase traffic on the blog, but what are the ways to earn money from your fashion blogging website?

Display Ads with Advertisers.

Many advertising networks like Google Adsense, Ezoic, etc can help you earn money on your fashion blog.

Sign up for these platforms and earn money with popular advertising networks like Google AdSense or

Affiliate Marketing Networks.

Affiliate Marketing is the best platform to earn lakhs of rupees. Do you know how much fashion bloggers get paid from advertisements and affiliate marketing networks?

Popular fashion bloggers earn up to 6 figures in a month from their Fashion Blog.

Become an Instagram Influencer.

Instagram is a “hub” for fashion blogs because Instagram is a very popular social media network for people who are obsessed with clothing and style.

Creating a fashion blog on Instagram means uploading stylish images and using relevant hashtags will lead to reaching the right audience.

Whoever knows about the fashion industry, latest fashion trends, design and styling, since when have you started? Even if you are not a Fashion Designing Expert, then read our How to Start a Fashion Blog and Make it Famous you will learn everything.

Please suggest what else you need from us. I hope you will learn how to start fashion blog in 2023. Do not make mistakes because search engines do not accept wrong information. Please share with your friends How to make Style blog on WordPress in 2023 and earn money from it?

Hi, I’m Jaydip Gondaliya. I help build websites, grow businesses, big and small. If that is what you want, contact me. I’m currently available for freelance work.

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